In the recent times the online gambling has become one of the most successful businesses in the world. Yes, we do recognise it as an important part of gaming industry but it is entirely a different branch. Some recent time has seen a rapid rise for casino games over the internet. Those who are playing it on their mobile phones, tablets or even on the PC have a huge range of variety but when it comes to the platforms like PlayStation4 or Xbox, the options are very much limited. We expect a rapid rise in the console market as well. How ever in the article below we shall discuss the awesomeness of some of the casino games that are available on PS4.
1.The Four king Casino & Slots
It is a very popular game on PS4 which allows you to choose your own avatar. This game has an extensive customization before you even enter the real game. It offers you the real-world options which has a large amount of variety that any big casino usually offers. The social aspect of the game will baffle you as it allows you to interact in a virtually simulated casino. It also offers some short term and long-term tournaments. Online casinos also offer exciting welcome bonuses like jackpotjoy promo code to the new users.
- Prominence Poker
This game has earned a reputation of being one of the best casino games. The game is virtually happening in a city called Prominence. The players will face a number of players where the last one is going to be the Mayor. The fascinating part is the fact that the boss will guide the players until your confrontation. It also offers multiplayer option which has number of scheduled events, tournaments and some daily challenges. It is available on both the platforms Xbox One and PS4.
- Social Club VR: Casino Nights
Since we are talking about the casino it would be unfair not to mention the Social Club VR. This game has put some good amount of work in making it interesting for both single and multiple players. You go through a virtual reality which is a rare experience in such games. The best part about the game is that it offers a great variety of options like Roulette, Black jack.
This game can harness your maximum potential of gambling experience. It is also available on both the PS4 and the Xbox One. This is a multiplayer game which offers you to interact with other players on the go. This makes the tournaments very interesting as you get lot of customization that most of the games don’t. The best part about the game is the graphics which will blow you away with some really good tweaks and twists.