As the speculation fades, we now understand what Sony’s ambitions truly are. Exciting times await, at least that’s true for those interested in upping their resolution. This argument is actually something many PC gamers grin at, this is because their rigs are easily upgradeable – with that said, console gaming is attractive for many reasons. The terminology ‘Plug and Play’ typically applies to the console industry because it keeps players on a simple and even playing field. Let’s now progress and explore as to why Sony will dominate the 4K scene.
Sony has taken a different approach to 4K gaming than its rival, but which route will be the most attractive to gamers? This is the real question at hand. Of course, Sony’s PlayStation 4 has turned into the console of choice steaming well ahead of the Xbox One. There are a variety of reasons for this. Microsoft wants to be the company that provides the most powerful 8th gen console, and this is what they’ll achieve with the Scorpio. It’s actually the opposite strategy than with the underpowered Xbox One system. Does this guarantee success? Absolutely not.
Many wanting to climb aboard onto the 4K trail will want to do so with the least expense. What’s more, players will want to take advantage of this resolution by experiencing quality titles. This is why Sony’s PS4 Pro will become the clear option for the majority of gamers – it won’t be too expensive, and you’ll have awesome games to play.
Microsoft’s Scorpio will be a powerhouse, let’s not forget that, but it will certainly come with a far steeper price tag. It isn’t clear as to how simple it will be for game developers to port a game release over to this new console. With the PS4 Pro, we understand that the majority of games will upscale to a much higher resolution. Taking a look at upcoming exclusive games, it seems obvious that Sony wants to impress within this area, and this is what will help those on the fence to opt for the Pro vs. the Scorpio. Would you prefer to have a handful of games that are in a superb resolution, or an entire catalogue? It’s this very question that Sony will answer, at least in my opinion.
The point of the matter is this; owning a powerful system is awesome, but if this very system doesn’t provide enough content, that’s when it becomes a pointless purchase. This is where Sony win in my opinion, they’ve balance all three areas; power, games, cost. Three areas that combine to form a successful or failed strategy. Ultimately, you want to score high within all three of these elements, not just one.
Will every PS4 gamer rush out and get the PS4 Pro? The answer to this question is no. Many are happy with what they’ve got, and so they should be. Thinking long-term, however, the temptation to upgrade will probably grow and having the option to upgrade at an affordable price is sure to be greeted with positivity.
Yes. We’ve got a number of award winning exclusive games to enjoy right now. Is that enough? Of course not. However, the flood of titles are incoming soon, partly because of the PS4 Pro and PS VR. All focus from Sony will now be on games, meaning we’ll all see more exclusive titles soon. The distraction of pumping energy into hardware development will now halt, allowing Sony to put all efforts into the content. Basically, expect a thrilling 2017, littered with announcement after, well, announcement. I’m not sure about you, but comparing GT Sport screenshots with real photos left me unable to differentiate between them. Realism is incoming, and Sony wants to be at the forefront of it.
Sony’s ambition is to keep the PS4 as competitive as possible, giving the console a great product life-cycle until such times when they can consider introducing a 9th gen system, AKA the PS5.
Let’s now quickly digest all of this. Sony has done the absolute best thing possible for all fans, ensuring access to 4K, making it as affordable as possible, whilst also ensuring that current gamers see no change in their experience. It’s called a win, win situation – expect Sony sales to take the crown once again within the coming months. Amazon is already seeing mass pre-orders for the PS4 Pro, which is good news for Sony and PS4 gamers alike.
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