PlayStation 4 will be obviously a much more powerful gaming system than its predecessor. Besides having prettier graphics, PS4 will improve upon numerous other aspects of the existing system. Sony has reported that the PS4 was designed and developed to ensure a seamless and frictionless gaming experience. Now that it’s been revealed, we will get to look at difference between ps3 and PS4 confirming that the PS4 will provide a better gaming experience than its predecessor.
PS4 Vs PS4 – Find out the difference
If you have not spent lots of time gaming with PS3, you will hardly notice any real discernible difference between the DualShock 4 of the PS4 and PlayStation 3′s DualShock 3 at first glance. Nonetheless, if you’ve spent lots of time playing PS3 games, the difference will be readily apparent to you. Improvements have been made on the DualShock 4 trigger buttons over the DualShock 3 trigger buttons, though actually, they don’t feel much like actual triggers because they are more wider and flatter than those of PS3. On the other hand, the shoulder buttons provide a more comfortable feeling than the shoulder buttons of Xbox one or the PS3′s buttons because they are much softer.
Tracking Tech
Since the announcement of expected release of PS4 early this year, Sony has informed us that the PS4 will track both the gamers face as well the controller in a gamer’s hand. A practical implementation of this technology in gaming is a case where a typical multiplayer uses a split screen, when two or more gamers go at it. With tracking tech, if a gamer stands up and physically moves to the right or left of his or her opponent, his screen section will be automatically swapped.
The PS4 will have a 500GB hard drive. With integrated AMD graphics and processors, PS4′s overall specs seem to match that of a modern PC. Though PS4 set of specs are not actually at par with those of a PC, it’s far ahead of PlayStation 3 specs and any other existing game console. Some of the promised PS4 features include, faster response reducing lag time while accessing content unlike the extremely slow response rate of the PS3. Moreover, The PS4 will support fast background downloading, with Sony claiming that one can play the game while downloading updates or other games on the background.
As you would expect from a seven year development period, the PlayStation 4 has impressively bumped specs:
- An eight-core X86 AMD Jaguar CPU
- Faster Blu-ray drive
- 8GB of GDDR5 memory
- 500GB hard drive
- 1.84 teraflop AMD Radeon graphics card
- Three USB 3.0 ports
- 802.11 b, g and n Wi-Fi
- Ethernet, Bluetooth 2.1, HDMI, analog AV out and optical audio.
Faster Blu-ray drive
Not only will the PS4′s 8GB of GDDR5 memory and its 64 bit x86 architecture, over shadow its predecessor, its Blu-ray drive will be three times faster. The Blu-ray drive has a significantly upgraded on the PS4. The much slow 2x Blu-ray drive with a transfer rate of 9MB/sec found on PS3 has proved to be a bottleneck for gaming experience. With the slower transfer rate, the developers had to be innovative to compensate. For instance, developers opted to have large HDD installs during a PS3 game installation which made the installation time very long. With the PS4′s 6x drive, game installation time will be pretty short thus you will no longer have to go through lengthy mandatory installation procedures again.
USB 3.0
Playstation 4 comes with USB 3.0 ports, which were not available when the Playstation 3 was launched back in 2006. These USB ports enable significantly higher data transfer speeds of up to 4.8Gbps. This creates a benefit that one can reliably use external hard disks to increase PS4 capacity. Even though with the PS3, users can open the chassis and mount or replace the hard drive, many will find the simplicity of using USB ports more convenient because, all you need to do is to just plug in a USB 3.0 hard drive. Moreover, the USB port can transfer up to 80% power, which can come in handy when you need to charge any USB-powered device. For instance, recharging a DualShock controller will be such a speedy affair.
Wireless N
The PS3 includes an in built WI-FI, but the problem is that it is notoriously slow. To prove this, try plugging in your PS3 directly to a LAN, and you will notice that the download speeds will more than double. The PS4 has a superior network support because it will come with a network card that supports the 802.11 b, g standards, and new n standard as well. These three standards will result in significantly greater range and speed for those that opt to use the PS4 WI-FI.
DualShock 4
Back to the subject of the DualShock, PS4 comes with an upgraded DualShock loaded with additional functionality, ranging from PlayStation Move inspired motion controls to a touch pad. The PS4 DualShock is likely to consume more power than its predecessors but to compensate for this the controller is equipped with a heftier battery. The DualShock 4 has a 60% greater battery power capacity and only weighs 0.6 ounces more.
Other interesting features not available in PS3 include:
- Sony’s GaiKai: The GaiKai cloud technology, which allow gamers to demo games and share their gaming experience by streaming online. There is also a possibility of having a streaming service subscription, where there is a monthly charge to access to as many games as you desire.
- All PS4 games will be available for download.
- Download entire games and updates in the background.
- You can watch other people play online or stream games while you are playing
- Play games while the updates and games are downloading in the background.
Here is a summary of the difference between ps3 and ps4
Cell Broadband Engine – -AMD Jaguar 64 Bit (9x faster than PS3)
6 pressure sensitive buttons – -12 directional buttons
256 GDDR3 RAM -256 XDR – 8GB GDDR5 RAM
5x Digital buttons -2 point capacitive touchpad with click mechanism
USB 2.0 x 2 -USB 3.0 x3
Camera 640×480 @ 60Hz -Eye camera – 320×192 @240Hz, 1280×800 @ 60Hz
IEEE 802.11 b/g -WiFi -IEEE 802.11 b/g n WiFi
Bluetooth 2.0 (EDR) -Bluetooth 2.1 EDR
Price: @ 299$ -399$
With the PlayStation 4 incorporating and upgrading numerous technological advances that are currently in PlayStation 3, using the new PS4 will be a far much easier and exciting experience.