This is a question that recently crossed my mind after I was playing a game on the Poki Portal from my desktop PC. I’d never tried playing a web browser game on the PS4 before, and then I wondered if it would even be possible. Firstly, I should mention that the PS4 web browser doesn’t come with Adobe Flash Player installed and there isn’t currently a way to download it. Many online arcade games still use Flash player, yet this is expected to change in the near future. I wanted to play Color Switch, an arcade game by Poki. The question is; would it load? The answer was a little disappointing, as I wasn’t able to get the game to load after the intro screen. However, some better news was that I was able to get another game by the same provider to actually load up. was able to load and whilst it stuttered at time, it was playable.
Simply put, games developed with HTML 5 will load within your PS4 web-browser. Simply use Google to search for ‘PS4 playable games within the web-browser‘ and you’ll find sites that contain only HTML 5 compatible games. Poki also have a variety of compatible games for you to enjoy.
So, to answer the original question. Yes, you can play web-browser games on your PlayStation 4. How awesome is that? Don’t expect, however, there to be an Adobe compatibility feature, this is partly because, as mentioned before, HTML 5 will become the new standard for this type of content.